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Image - Lent calendar 19 April

As we stand at the foot of the cross, we can feel the persistent love of God.

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30

Today we stand in this place of desolation and death. We stand beside our God who loves us and suffers with us, alongside us, for us.

For God doesn’t protect himself from the pervasive pain of humanity but rather participates in the deepest darkness of human suffering.

In Christ, God enters fully into the rejection felt by the refugee turned away at the border, the devastation of those mourning loved ones killed in conflict and the pain of parents with no food for their hungry children.

“The cross is Jesus’ most eloquent word of love,” writes Pope Francis in his encyclical on the Sacred Heart (Dilexit Nos, #46). As we stand at the foot of the cross, we can feel the persistent love of God, amidst the brokenness of our world. God enters our wounded lives and shows his compassionate solidarity with all who suffer. God is here with us.

This Good Friday we are invited to a deep solidarity with our suffering Saviour and alongside him, our suffering world. We can bring both our personal losses and griefs and those of our sisters and brothers to this place of redeeming love.

And as we grieve for the distress around us, we can commit to working for a better future, confident that death and pain will not have the final word, knowing that even now, God is moving us toward a new life.


Compassionate God, you understand what it is to be human, and are with us in times of suffering. May we be witnesses to your great love for the world revealed in the Cross. Amen.


Reflect on the Stations of the Cross today.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

Our Stations of the Cross resource is a journey of transformation, and can be used on your own or in a group.