Prayers of hope
Discover our prayers which seek to inspire hope for a better world.
Christian families in Bangladesh gather for the Easter Vigil
Holy Saturday is a day of quietness and waiting. As the ancient homily for today says, “The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep.”
Many of us will, from time to time, find ourselves living in Holy Saturday. We may occasionally experience the grief of Good Friday or the jubilation of Easter, but more often we live in the tension between the two. Between mourning and comfort, fear and joy, death and resurrection.
Today we are invited to be present in this uncertain and fragile place, to look around with honesty, while also looking forward with hope, trusting in the promise of Christ’s resurrection.
It is not yet the day to rejoice. But it is a day to hope.
Tender Lord, in the stillness and sorrow of this day, as I listen to your voice in the silence of my heart, give me the gift of your hope and peace. Amen.
Reflect with this hopeful video
Discover our prayers which seek to inspire hope for a better world.