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Lent calendar 23 March

Two people hold hands, offering each other emotional support.

I will turn their mourning into joy. I will console them, give gladness for grief.

Jeremiah 31:13

No one can make it through life without being touched by grief. It is a sad and inevitable fact of life. In loving, we make ourselves vulnerable to pain, even as we open ourselves up to joy.

Sometimes, we grieve when we look at the world around us and see the hurt that is all too often inflicted on our brothers and sisters. The destruction of our natural world. The unjust systems and structures which keep so many people poor, while others hoard wealth for their own benefit.

Whether due to conflict, inequality or the climate crisis, too many people in our world today are mourning. They mourn the loss of loved ones, the loss of safety, of homes and opportunities.

It is important to make space for our sorrow, but we also try to hold onto hope, so that we do not get swallowed up in bitterness. For the Lord has promised he will be with us, he will turn our mourning into joy.

As we approach Holy Week and Christ’s death on the cross, we hold our suffering world before him, and pray for his healing presence in the midst of our brokenness.

And despite the inevitable sadness, we keep ourselves open to love, as we work for a world where all people can know consolation, peace and hope.


God of hope, bring comfort to those who mourn and work through us so that we might shine a light of hope in the darkest of times. Amen.


Join us in prayer for all who have died and all those who mourn.

Prayers of remembrance

Prayers of remembrance

Find comfort in times of sadness and reflect on the lasting impact your loved ones have made with our beautiful prayers of remembrance.