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Ibrahim is a schoolteacher and is passionate about the value of education
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.”
Today’s readings focus on the Law. Moses urges the people to remember God’s decrees; the psalmist praises God for making his statutes known to Israel; and then in the gospel, Jesus insists his mission is to fulfil, not abolish, the Law and the Prophets.
We’re reminded that God’s Law is not just a set of rules we must not break for fear of punishment, but rather a valuable gift to teach us how we can be in better relationship with God and neighbour.
We all remember those who have been good teachers for us, and the influence they have had on our lives. Schoolteacher Ibrahim lives in northern Kenya and is passionate about the value of education. As there was no school in his village, he set one up himself. As he tells us,
“Even when I worked as a teacher in the school for five years, I didn’t earn anything for myself or from the government. I don’t have anything; I just volunteer myself and I just pray to God and I never have any problems. I believe in God.”
In the season of Lent, as we continue to reflect on what it means to live faithfully together, let’s open our hearts to God’s law of love and seek, like Ibrahim, to respond to the Lord with trust and generosity.
Gracious God, help us to follow your life-giving laws, so that we might be more faithful disciples, loving you and our neighbours. Amen.
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Explore our range of virtual charity gifts that help to transform the lives of families living in poverty.