Jubilee reflection guide
Find out more about out Jubilee reflection guide resources, which explore the meaning of the Jubilee Year 2025 and how it calls us to renew our faith and commit to building a fairer world.
The launch of the ‘Cancel Debt Choose Hope’ campaign for the Jubilee Year
“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes only from God?”
Today’s readings are a real challenge to think about what we hold most important in our lives. Jesus berates the people for seeking external approval rather than that which comes from God.
Where do we seek approval? From our friends, colleagues, family members, strangers on social media? Or from God?
In the first reading, the people have turned away from God and have begun to worship a golden calf. What do we worship in our day? Money, success, possessions, something else entirely? Or can we truly say that we only worship God?
It is easy to be caught up in the prevailing story that wealth, power and appearances are the things that matter most if we do not want to be left behind.
But in our hearts we know that these do not really serve society as a whole. The race for unbridled progress by some inevitably leads to others facing poverty and injustice.
This Jubilee Year is a prime opportunity to address this inequality. To redress the balance and seek to live in a way that is closer to that which God intends for us. Let us look for a way of life that puts God at the centre of all that we do, and brings us closer to what is best for all our sisters and brothers, made in God’s image. May we care especially for those who are experiencing poverty and those who are most vulnerable.
Faithful God, help us to put you first in our lives and to reject the worldly pressures that distract us from your love. May we choose what is right and good for the flourishing of all, as we search for your approval alone. Amen.
Order or download and share our Jubilee reflection guide in your parish or community, and reflect on the call to address inequality in this Jubilee year.
Find out more about out Jubilee reflection guide resources, which explore the meaning of the Jubilee Year 2025 and how it calls us to renew our faith and commit to building a fairer world.