Caritas Spes provides meals for people waiting to cross the border from Ukraine into Poland.
“Mary brought in a pound of very costly ointment, pure nard, and with it anointed the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair.”
You’ve probably heard the expression of someone who “knows the price of everything and the value of nothing”. This could well apply to Judas in today’s gospel.
Seeing Mary anoint Jesus with the precious perfume, he sees only the price tag. Jesus, on the other hand, sees the tenderness and generosity in the action.
Mary’s generosity is striking, not only in the costly perfume she offers but also in the attentive love she shows Jesus, and the risk she runs that this gesture will be misunderstood and condemned, as indeed it is.
This Holy Week, as we reflect on this extravagant gift, let’s ponder how we might be inspired by Mary’s open-handed and loving actions to grow evermore like our generous Creator.
Lent prayer
Abundant God,
you reach out to us in love.
Open our eyes to the needs of others,
and make us generous in our response.
Reach out in love and generosity this Lent and support our Lent Appeal.