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7 April

Father Vitaliy Novak and a team of volunteers at a humanitarian warehouse in Ukraine

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world.’

John 8:12

In the most recent encyclical from Pope Francis, we read the powerful message that Jesus calls us to “spread goodness in our world”. (Dilexit Nos, #215)

It is easy to become despondent amidst so much bad news, so much fear about our future. We can feel overwhelmed at the scale of the climate crisis, environmental devastation, conflict. Yet, in the face of such catastrophic realities, we have been given this wonderful task – to spread goodness in our world.

Fr Vitaliy Novak, former chair of DePaul International, a charity in Ukraine, describes how volunteers go out “from their own love to bring love to others...”

How can we begin to do this? Our Jubilee challenge is to be “tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.” (Spes non confundit, #10)

Of course, we do not have to do this alone. We are part of a global community, acting in solidarity with one another to bring about change, to spread goodness. As Pope Francis explains, we should keep in mind Jesus’ promise to us, “He will not cast you into the abyss, or leave you to your own devices. He will always be there to encourage and accompany you.” (Dilexit Nos, #215)


Lord, help us to overcome feelings of hopelessness and fear when faced by so much bad news. Grant us the wisdom to seek out reasons for hope wherever they may be found, and to become tangible signs of hope ourselves. Amen.


Find out more about Pope Francis’ Dilexit Nos, as we answer some frequently asked questions on the latest encyclical.