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we are people from many places and with many talents.

Our faces show our history of pain and joy, of challenge and hope.

We dream of a civilisation of love,

where people can experience justice, solidarity and peace.

We want to walk, guided by your power, love and wisdom

and place all of our potential at the service of life and hope.

We believe in the strength of dialogue, of truth and justice,

of sharing and union.

We ask you for the gift of discernment,

so that we can be leaders in our own life journeys.

Grant us the insight to judge wisely and choose true freedom.

Give us the courage to be faithful in our witness.

Grant us the creativity to live in a spirit of celebration and hope.

So that, together, we are able to transform our world

and create a new heaven and a new earth.


By Maristely Souza, a volunteer youth leader with the Movement for the Defence of Shanty Town Dwellers, in Divineia, Sao Paulo Brazil.

Prayers of hope

Prayers of hope

Discover our prayers which seek to inspire hope for a better world.