Part of a safety at sea training session just off the coast of New Kru Town, Liberia. The fishermen help each other if they get into difficulty on the water.
“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of our family, you did it to me.’”
We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Moved by Jesus’ pain, Veronica’s love overcomes her fear, and she courageously steps forward to wipe the blood and sweat from Jesus’ face. She cannot change his fate, but recognising his dignity, she faithfully performs her small act of compassion. As the guards force Jesus onward, the image of his face is left on Veronica’s veil.
We too are called to compassion. It is easy to be discouraged by the scale of poverty and need in the world, but each day offers us the opportunity to perform small acts of kindness and generosity. In so doing, we recognise the face of Jesus in our neighbour and he imprints his face on each of us.
James and his fellow fishermen do not keep the good fishing places secret. They share tips on the best places to go. They help one another if they get into difficulty on the water.
He says, “The town provides a way of giving when you don’t have anything. If you need something, a person will help you and you will pay them back later.”
Do we carry out small acts of generosity and love? Are we attentive to the face of Christ in our brothers and sisters?
Jesus, you know how it feels
to be hurt and to cry out in pain and fear.
Walk with us.
Show us how to walk together with others.
Show us how to love the people around us
and to be there for those who need us.

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