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God of solidarity
we sit around your table, Lord, the table of the world,
hungering for nourishment, companionship and peace.
Many, Lord, do have their fill and go to bed well-pleased,
while others suffer want, neglect and night brings no release.

Lead us back to the table, Lord, the table of the world,
crying out for justice, in solidarity for all.
Bring changes to our lives, not just empty words,
so all enjoy creation, the good things of the earth. 

Then let us sit at your table, Lord, the table of the world. 

Sue Cooper/CAFOD

More prayers on food and hunger

All good things come from you

Grace for those who hunger

As we break bread together

Journey with us

At this table

The Last Day

On the road to Emmaus

Enough for everyone

Break the bread, Lord