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fairtrade coffee farmer

 We're inspired by the core values of the Catholic Church: compassion, hope, dignity and solidarity. These principles guide our day-to-day support for disadvantaged people throughout the world, and underpin our relationships with each other.

CAFOD isn't an average workplace; 19 out of 20 CAFOD employees feel their daily work has a positive impact on the lives of others. Working at CAFOD is about being part of a team that makes a difference in the fight against global poverty and injustice.

CAFOD is warm and diverse. There's room for everyone: Catholics and non-Catholics; people of all faiths and none. We employ people in all corners of the world, of all ages and ethnicities. The result? A friendly and open-minded organisation, as more than 19 out of 20 employees agree.

We take pride in this and understand it's vital to ensure the rights and dignity of every person are respected. Like any good community, we take care of each other. We offer flexible working arrangements, additional leave days and our offices are environmentally sustainable.

We are committed to making every reasonable adjustment to the workplace or working arrangements so as to accommodate people with disabilities. And we realise the importance of having a culture that embraces everyone. And it pays off. We were identified as one of the top 5 charities to work in for women by Glamour Magazine (2011).

We are excited and proud to become a Living Wage employer and believe it is an important significant milestone that we have achieved.

We are a member of the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC), the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Bond, and the CHS Alliance.

Join us - and make a difference.

Career stories

Career stories

Read stories from our employees about why they chose to work for CAFOD.

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CAFOD is proud to be a Living Wage Employer