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CAFOD's Year 8 RE resources support the Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools in England and Wales.

U8.1 Creation and Covenant

The Beatitudes

The scriptural text, illustrated to aid understanding and recall.

Human Dignity animation

This animation explores how human beings are created in the image and likeness of God, with accompanying illustrations.

Love of neighbour

A starter exploring what ‘neighbour’ means.

Good Samaritan illustrated

Useful when examining what love of neighbour requires.

Good Samaritan to Creation

Explores another aspect of what love of neighbour includes, in a contemporary context.

Fratelli Tutti animation

Animated version of Pope Francis’ encyclical.

U8.2 Prophecy and Promise

Romero resources

Explore the prophetic voice of Oscar Romero, who spoke the truth for the good of others.

Young People Demand Change campaigning resources

Explore how Catholic Social Teaching urges us to speak the truth for the sake of others.

Yesica and Hector defend the Amazon video

Yesica and Hector speak the truth for the good of the Amazon and its people.

Comics campaigning activity

How to make and use comics to call for justice.

Advent calendar

CAFOD’s annually updated Advent calendar for secondary schools is an example of a popular Advent devotion.

U8.3 From Galilee to Jerusalem

Romero resources

Explore the life and work of St Oscar Romero, who committed to serving marginalised people.

Option for the Poor movie

The preferential love of the poor, explained by a young person.

Refugee resources

Video and other resources about people seeking asylum and refuge.

Hunger cloth video

Examine Azariah Mbatha’s Hunger Cloth, with accompanying worksheet.

Matthew 25 sheep and goats illustrated

The eschatological parable, Matthew 25:31-46.

Kingdom of God worksheet

Short contemporary examples of people serving those who are marginalised.

U8.4 From Desert to Garden

Fasting lesson plan

Explore why Christians prepare for Easter by fasting.

Story of CAFOD video

How injustice prompted ordinary people to use Lenten fasting and almsgiving in a new way.

CAFOD Lent resources

Explore the ongoing significance of self-denial and self-giving, and take part!

U8.5 To the ends of the earth

Emmaus story PowerPoint

Extract of the Resurrection story in Luke 24:1-49, with photographs from around the world.

U8.6 Dialogue and Encounter

Solidarity animation

Short animation on Solidarity, with worksheet