Go Green for CAFOD in your parish or community this Harvest by sharing a planet-friendly meal.
Have fun, eat some delicious food (see our recipes below!) and raise funds to transform the lives of people around the world whose communities are under threat because of the climate crisis.

How can I host my own Go Green Planet-Friendly Meal?
Follow our step-by-step guide to make your own event spectacular!
1. Arrange the venue, set a date and a time
Hold your event in the parish hall or community centre. Pick a date and time when lots of people will be able to join in the fun. You can display these details using this poster!
Please remember to check our advice on health and safety when you're organising your event.
Download our poster!
Go Green - Planet Friendly Meal Poster
2. Start fundraising towards your meal
Use JustGiving to set up your fundraising page, and ask people for donations!
Alternatively, you can donate any money you collect via the CAFOD website.
3. Invite lots of people!
Invite people from your parish and community. Get friends and family to come along too. Remember, the more the merrier!
4. Promote your event
Use social media to spread the word! You could even notify the local paper, or put a notice in your parish newsletter. Remember to print of a poster for your meal.
Don't forget to tag CAFOD on social media and use the hashtag #gogreen. Email events@cafod.org.uk to let us know what you've been up to!
5. Get cooking - We have some recipes below, or you can use your own!
Ask your friends and family to get involved in preparing the meal. Remember to make it planet-friendly by using a combination of locally sourced, organic, Fairtrade and vegetarian ingredients where you can.
Share your recipes online so that people can recreate their favourites!
6. Eat some delicious food and enjoy your time together
Your meal will be an amazing opportunity to get together, enjoy some wonderful food and make a difference in the world. Remember to collect donations through your JustGiving page or in person
Want to hold other activities during your Go Green Planet-Friendly Meal? How about holding a short quiz, or telling people about the work that CAFOD does overseas.
Planet-friendly recipes!
Need some inspiration? Use some of our recipes below to get cooking for CAFOD and make tasty planet-friendly food from all over the world!
Recipes for children
Use our 'how to' videos to learn about - and taste - planet-friendly recipes from around the world.
Go Green and Give
Take on a green fundraising challenge and help to tackle poverty and the climate crisis.
Family Fast Day
Use our resources to celebrate Family Fast Day this Lent.