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How to fundraise for CAFOD

20 November 2013

Head over to our A to Z of fundraising for loads of ideas, many of which can be carried out virtually. Follow our social media posts for extra information on how to fundraise for CAFOD from home.

Follow these simple steps to help you fundraise for CAFOD - whether you're doing an event at home and letting your friends know or setting up something online with JustGiving!

Keen to get started straight away? Set up your JustGiving page today!

Step 1: Choose your event

  • You can do absolutely anything to raise funds for CAFOD, there are loads of ideas on our A-Z of fundraising page.

Step 2: Ask for help

  • Don’t be shy to ask friends and family for help. It’s easy for people to get involved online, and remember people are looking for things to do.

  • Get in touch with CAFOD to let us know what is happening. Email a local contact or email

  • If you need some inspiration, have a read through our A-Z of fundraising ideas

If you don't ask...

Don’t be afraid to ask everybody you can think of for help and donations. A personal approach often works best, both with friends and local businesses, so email people individually. Let them know why you’re raising funds as well as how.

Step 3: Set a target

  • Decide how much you want to raise and set up a JustGiving page with this target.

  • Think about how you can hit your target. 

  • Keep careful track of money coming in and out so that you don’t spend more than you make. Try not to spend more than £1 for every £4 raised. Get in touch if you’d like advice before committing to any costs – we’re here to help!

Double your money

Ask your employer if they have a charity matched-giving scheme. They could make a big difference to your total by matching some of the money you raise, especially if you’re holding your event at work.

Step 4: Promote your event

Step 5: Make your event safe

Step 6: Send in your money

Gift Aid

If you ask donors to complete their details and tick the Gift Aid box on any sponsorship forms or donation envelopes you use, we can receive extra funds from the government. For example, if you Gift Aid a donation of £20, we receive £25 in total. Please send completed sponsorship forms and collection envelopes to us, even if you pay over the phone or online.