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Syria earthquake response 1

Aid worker finalising preparation for distribution of food and other essentials to vulnerable people affected by the earthquake.

Donate now to help millions of displaced Syrians who don't have a safe place to live, enough to eat, or a way to earn a living. With your support, we can continue to reach the most vulnerable people, ensuring they have essentials like emergency food, water and shelter.  

Help us support people who are suffering from conflict, hunger and poverty.  

What is happening in Syria? 

As we approach 13 years of conflict in Syria, it’s estimated that more than 306,000 civilians have been killed in the fighting. This crisis is unprecedented, with an estimated 6.9 million Syrians displaced inside the country, while over 5.6 million Syrians are registered refugees in neighbouring countries - making this the largest displacement crisis in the world.

CAFOD’s partners have been working in Syria throughout this crisis, supporting those who are suffering from the effects of the ongoing conflict. 

The devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake in February 2023 worsened an already dire situation, destroying the homes of 300,000 people, killing at least 5,900 people, injuring more than 12,000, and damaging 10,000 buildings, and plunging the country further into crisis. Thanks to your support, we can continue to work with local experts, who are providing urgent emergency aid.  

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Turkey-Syria Earthquake

Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported our Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. This appeal is now closed; however, we continue to support people affected by both the ongoing civil war and aftermath of the earthquake in Syria.

Your donations have enabled our local partners to respond quickly and reach thousands of people with emergency assistance and the tools to start rebuilding their lives.

It is heartbreaking that this disaster has hit people who have already suffered so much. The impact of the earthquake has been catastrophic and will be felt in the country for years to come’

Claudia Alloza Godayol, CAFOD’s Syria Crisis Response Team

The situation for Syrians continues to be desperate: many displaced people live in makeshift shelters, derelict buildings, or even in the open air. Many of the children are dealing with trauma having witnessed the loss of loved ones and the destruction of their homes. 

Please give today to help us reach the most vulnerable Syrians including children, women, elderly and the disabled.