Water or education - a choice no mother should have to make
CAFOD is supporting incredible women like Talaso facing unbearable choices every day. But we can do something about this. Give today to support women like Talaso.
By addressing the immediate life-saving solutions as well as longer term work to protect families in the future we are reaching out with love to the most vulnerable communities around the world.
Talaso believes that keeping children in school is crucial.
Facing crisis after crisis
There are various multi-layered crises happening around the world right now. The world is still reeling from the effects of COVID-19, and the climate crisis we are facing is making natural disasters more severe than ever before. Anything that puts a strain on an already fragile system is going to push it to breaking point, and it is often the poorest communities who suffer the most.
Right now families in East Africa are doing everything they can to survive their worst drought in 40 years. In areas like Marsabit, Northern Kenya, the drought over the last two years have meant families lost their livestock. Despite huge efforts to build resilience and coping mechanisms, communities in East Africa cannot handle the severity of these emergencies.
However there is hope
In April this year we saw rains returning to Kenya.
"It is wonderful to see these rains and they have had a positive impact on pasture growth, vegetation, and access to water sources for some areas in Kenya.
However, due to the parched lands, for others these rains are bittersweet. It has also caused widespread flash flooding, the loss of remaining livestock that had survived the drought, and some have even had their homes washed away.
CAFOD continues to stand alongside communities in Kenya as we focus on recovery for those who have seen green fields once again as well as those whose homes and lives have been devastated by the flooding. We ask that you continue to pray for and support our World Food Crisis Appeal as we move into the next phase of this crisis.”
Kayode Akintola, CAFOD's Head of Africa Region
Thanks to your generosity of Every Second Counts, we truly are there before, during and after emergencies.
“Education is a good thing. I have seen many people who have gone to school coming back and helping the community. But If things stay like this, then taking children to school is difficult, because we are having to buy water. When you want to educate your child, but you don't have the means because you have to buy water when you shouldn't need to, it's a very unfair situation.”
Make a lasting difference
Projects like this make a lasting difference for entire communities. That’s why we are appealing for your support so, together, we can do more. These are examples of what your donations can achieve in Marsabit or other affected areas:
£5,380 can deliver nutritious food to schools for 3 school terms, helping waive fees for 100 children
£10,155 could pay for 5 submersible pumps and motors for boreholes
£35,636 could fund an underground water tank with 200,000L capacity
£49,890 could fund the survey work, drilling, piping and construction of a new borehole
If you're thinking of making a large donation and need more information, don’t hesitate to contact Roisin at ESC@cafod.org.uk or call her on 020 709 5676.