Our Father prayer collection
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.
Two people hold hands, offering each other support.
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
King Ahaz is invited to ask God for a sign but is unwilling to do so. Perhaps he knows that, if he does, he will have to change his ways, putting his trust in God rather than in his own political manoeuvring. In response, God makes the extraordinary promise that we hear today, and we celebrate its fulfilment in Jesus.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus – God who is with us – we prepare to celebrate God’s engagement in all aspects of life here on earth, including its struggles and challenges. We celebrate the love that led God to be born among us as a vulnerable baby, sharing our humanity, weeping and rejoicing with us.
As Pope Francis writes in Dilexit Nos: “Jesus came to meet us, bridging all distances; he became as close to us as the simplest, everyday realities of our lives. Indeed, he has another name, “Emmanuel”, which means “God with us”, God as part of our lives, God as living in our midst.” (#34)
In celebrating the incarnation, we affirm the dignity of all people. Today, on International Human Solidarity Day, we recognise that God is with us in our sisters and brothers, made in his image. We believe that God is with us too, in our commitment to build a better world in which all people can flourish.
Immanuel, God with us,
teach us to look for you in the unexpected places,
to see the signs of your activity in our midst
and to see your presence in all people.
Through our actions and prayers,
may all our global family know your loving presence.
Pray the Our Father with us, while you hear it spoken in many different languages, and remember that we are all part of one human family.
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.
2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis, in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year. There is a particular focus on the Our Father.
Use these ideas to explore the prayer that Jesus gave us more deeply.