Leave a gift in your Will
A charity gift in your Will is a special way to reach out to future generations.
The prophet Isaiah gives us an insight into God’s will for the future. There will be prosperity and harmony, and enough rain will fall to allow the ground to be fruitful and life-giving.
Today many millions of people are suffering the impact of droughts induced by the climate crisis. Persistent lack of rainfall in Afghanistan has devastated farming communities. Daniyal* is a farmer living with disability, who has a family of seven to support. He tells us:
“The drought has negatively affected all aspects of my farming. All the wells and springs have dried up. Due to that my farming has been extremely unproductive this year, so our food supplies are low. The one safe water source that we have access to is 300 meters away from my home, so collecting water for my family proves to be difficult due to my disability.”
With our cash assistance programme Daniyal is now providing his family with essentials, including nutritional support for his grandson, who is suffering from malnutrition.
Today, as we reflect on Isaiah’s hopeful vision of the future, let’s allow that vision to change the present, reorienting our hearts to the coming of God’s kingdom so that we reach out in love to our sisters and brothers in need.
*Name changed to protect his identity.
God of grace,
we pray for all those affected by drought.
Inspired by your vision for creation,
may we work so all people can find prosperity and harmony.
A third of our international development work is made possible through gifts in wills. Thousands of CAFOD supporters have expressed their vision of hope for the future by leaving a gift in their Will to CAFOD. Find out more about how we use these gifts of hope, download a useful guide to making or rewriting your Will, or access our free wills offer.
A charity gift in your Will is a special way to reach out to future generations.