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Christmas prayer collection

Christmas advent star

We rejoice and are glad for God who is with us.

A collection of CAFOD's most popular Christmas prayers for personal prayer or use in groups throughout the festive season until Epiphany.

God of joy

God of joy 
Remind me to rejoice 
Wrapped up in my Christmas gifts 
Tied down in my debts 
I have forgotten   

God of peace, 
Remind me of your calm 
In my anxiety 
And in my haste 
I have forgotten   

God of all 
Remind me 
Of the true light of Christmas 
Of your gift shared

In my own wants 
And in my own needs 
I have forgotten 
Wrapped up  in my little world 
Remind me of your world 
God of joy, remind me 
To rejoice 


Linda Jones/CAFOD

Unadorned King

In the star we see the cross;
Its points, the thorns,
The azure ring, his robe.
The light which shines on all
The arms which embrace all. 

And this despite their mockery,
Mock majesty, pageant pantomime and pomp.
All human conceptions of kingship
Border on the Vaudeville
Verge on the burlesque. 

Kings in a stable out of proportion
Distorted, like the body on the cross.
Our attempt to nail down
Divinity Racked and disjointed,
Still suffering our mock homage. 

Cast crowns, cast lots, cast off your
Tawdry kind of kingship –
So much dressing up –
Christ rides triumphant over cast-down cloaks
Every inch a king with none of the apparel. 

His crown, the star
The cross, his throne where he
Invests the cosmos with his gift of Love, unadorned.


Sr Laurentia Johns OSB, Stanbrook Abbey

Wake up and hear our cry

As we journey with the Holy Family to Bethlehem, we pray for all who make forced journeys. Give them strength to carry on and courage to walk the road ahead. 

Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry

As we hear the innkeeper say there is no room, we pray for refugees for whom there is no country. Gather them to yourself and keep them free from harm.  

Wake up, little baby God 
And hear our cry

As we contemplate that first Christmas night, we pray for those with nowhere to lay their head. Comfort them in their need and uphold them in their plight.

Wake up, little baby God 
And hear our cry

As we listen to the cry of the infant king, we pray for children everywhere born into poverty. Wrap them in your love and uphold them in your tender mercy.  

Wake up, little baby God 
And hear our cry 

As we remember the fear of the shepherds in the presence of the angels, we pray for all who are afraid to look ahead. Reassure them with your presence and embolden them to face the future. 

Wake up, little baby God 
And hear our cry 

As we recall the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, we pray for all who flee from danger. Enfold them in your care and challenge us to offer our protection.

Wake up, little baby God 
And hear our cry 
That justice may be born. 


Annabel Shilson-Thomas/CAFOD

The boat of injustice

Vulnerable God,
As we contemplate the wonder of your birth,
Stir in us the desire to cradle those who have no where to lay their head,
That together we may rock the boat of injustice.
Give us grace to offer our hands to those who reach out
That with faltering steps we may find a way home
And kindle our hearts to embrace the rejected and dispossessed
And so meet you face to face.
We ask this in your name. Amen.

Annabel Shilson-Thomas/CAFOD

The hope of Christmas

God, our dayspring and our dawn,
We turn to you when we fear the dark
And all around us weep. 
We pray you greet us with your shining light
That we may spread your warm embrace 
And kindle the hope of Christmas 
In all whose lives remain in shadow.
Come and be our strength 
O Lord, our hope and our salvation. Amen.

Annabel Shilson-Thomas/CAFOD 

Guiding Star

Lord, the sight of the guiding star, 
brought hope, courage and joy
to those who had journeyed to find you. 

When our journey seems long,
when hope seems far away,
when our courage is failing
fill us with faith and trust;
shine your light on our fears,
lift our hearts with your joy.

Help us to recognise you
in our brothers and sisters
throughout the world;
show us how we can work together
so that we may all come to share in the life
promised to us by Jesus, 
the Saviour of us all. Amen 


More Christmas prayers

Let us bring gifts

With the shepherds of Bethlehem

Christmas prayers from young people

World Gifts

World Gifts are CAFOD's charity gift range of unusual, ethical presents that will delight your friends and family.