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Lent calendar 10 March

Cynthia with her son Messi. There were days when they didn’t have enough to eat.

God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.

John 3:17

On Mothering Sunday, when we give thanks for and celebrate those who have cared for us, we are also reminded of God’s great love for us.

We are all God’s children. As Saint Paul says so beautifully, “We are God’s work of art.” (Ephesians 2:10). God loves us so much, that he gives his only Son, that we might have eternal life.

Parents throughout the world are doing their best to give their children the opportunities they need for the future.

Cynthia in Liberia sells fish that her partner James catches. But there was a time when James was not catching enough fish to feed the family or to sell. Things were very difficult, as Cynthia explains:

“I was determined not to let my son go hungry. I couldn’t bear it, so I asked to borrow food. I took out loans… I asked him to trust us. It will get better. There were days when we didn’t eat anything. I felt terrible. But we had to keep going.”

During this time Cynthia watched others braiding hair and learned to do it herself so that she could earn some money.

Things are easier for James and Cynthia now. Thanks to the fish finder, he is catching more fish, and she is able to sell these for a profit. Eventually, when she has saved enough, she wants to open her own beautician business.

“I feel very proud of what we’ve achieved. I look at the past and see how far we have come. We have got over so many difficult challenges from before. We have overcome so much together.”


God our Father, grant that all your children may know what it is to feel loved and cherished. We give thanks for mothers throughout the world who give everything for their children despite the challenges they face. Amen.


Donate to our Lent appeal to support more people like James and Cynthia as they work hard to give their children more opportunities.