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Lent calendar 15 March

A street in Syria devastated by war.

I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Matthew 5:44

We know how hard it is to love the person who has wronged us, even in our own minor grievances. In our pain, we sometimes lash out and so the cycle of hurt continues.

It takes courage for long-entrenched enemies to treat each other with love and build towards the trust needed to bring an end to division.

The war in Syria started 14 years ago today. The dramatic and rapid fall of the Assad regime has brought hope to the Syrian people, but it doesn’t mean an immediate end to the humanitarian needs in the area.

Conflict is escalating in many other parts of the world. Our partners are responding to the urgent needs of those affected, including many Syrian and Palestinian refugees who are facing hardship in Lebanon.

Sara (not her real name) in Lebanon says: “Our dream was to build a house. After 13 years, when we finally achieved that dream, they bombed it. Thank God we are still alive.”

We long for peace in our world. We pray for all who are persecuted, and we ask God to soften the hearts of those who inflict violence on others, that they may make steps towards peace.

These words from a Caritas Jerusalem spokesperson seem apt as we remember Jesus’ call to love our enemies:

“People, look at your compass and do not lose your direction. God will always allow us to choose. We can choose between war or peace.”


God of new beginnings, in your ways are compassion and hope. Open our hearts to dialogue and understanding. Lead us all to answer your call to become peacemakers – today, and all the days of our life. Amen.


Join us as we pray for peace in our world today.