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Lent calendar- 16 February

Eating a simple soup lunch on Family Fast Day

Is not this the fast that pleases me… to break unjust fetters, to let the oppressed go free?

Isaiah 58:6

Each Lent we are asked to fast. To give something up, to make a sacrifice, to make more intentional choices about what we eat, drink or do.

But how much thought do we really give to our choice? And if we do undertake some kind of fast, do we enter into it in the spirit that God really asks of us?

Are we grumpy and miserable, complaining to anyone that will listen? Do we show off about it, hoping that others will see how virtuous we are?

In Isaiah’s reading today, we see that the type of fast that pleases God is one that brings about transformation. Not just for ourselves, but for the world in which we live.

A week from today, it is Family Fast Day, when we are asked to have a simple meal and to give the money that we save to support our brothers and sisters around the world.

The solidarity and compassion we feel in this act of sharing can lead to a real transformation in our hearts and in our lives, as we also support others to change their lives for the better.


Loving God, may our fast be always pleasing to you. Guide us to make a difference in our world, and to play our part in bringing about the profound transformation that you ask of us. Amen.


Find out how you can get involved in Family Fast Day.

Family Fast Day

Family Fast Day

Your support this Fast Day will mean hardworking people like James can feed their families for good.