Weekly reflections
We offer you weekly email reflections on the Sunday gospel.
A parishioner pauses to pray and light a candle after Sunday Mass.
Today we pray for the grace to listen deeply to God.
Opening prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
"Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches." (Revelation 3:6)
Throughout the scriptures God again and again invites us to listen to his life-giving word, and here in the final book of the Bible we once again hear this call. So how can we listen to the Spirit?
We can listen to our common home, as we allow nature to speak to us of the glory of God, the Creator. We must listen too as the earth cries out from the harm we have inflicted on it.
We can listen to what is happening in the world around us. To the voices of refugees and immigrants, to people living in poverty or enduring violence.
We can listen to our own experience, in the light of God’s loving presence. And we can be attentive to God’s word and the promptings of the Spirit in prayer.
To ponder today
Where do you find yourself hearing the voice of the Spirit?
Come Holy Spirit,
blow away division and despair.
Light your flame of courage and hope in us
and warm our hearts with wisdom and love.
Be our Helper, as we seek your ways of justice.
Be our Comforter, as we share your peace with our wounded world.
Be our Advocate, as we call for the fullness of life for all. Amen.
In this Year of Prayer, take time to listen to God by signing up to receive our weekly reflections, sent every Friday throughout the year.
We offer you weekly email reflections on the Sunday gospel.