Pray with us
Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world
This prayer, for Harvest 2024, invites us to praise God for his goodness and ask his help as we seek to build a better world.
Praise be to you, O God,
source of life and goodness.
You fill the earth with abundance
and love all that you have made.
As we join creation in singing your glory,
teach us to care for our common home.
Praise be to you, O God,
revealed in Jesus, God with us.
We hear the call of the Carpenter,
to carve a path to a better future.
Guide our hands to repair what’s broken,
to build a just and peaceful world.
Praise be to you, O God,
who enfolds us with the Spirit,
to call us deeper into the heart of love,
to comfort and disturb.
Give us strength and courage
to work with you to make all things new.
We praise you, God,
for your love for us
and for all creation.
Help us to care for each other
and all you have made.
We praise you, God,
for sending your Son, Jesus.
He is the Carpenter
who guides us to repair what is broken,
and shows how to build a better world.
We praise you, God,
for your Spirit within us,
who calls us to love.
Strengthen and encourage us,
so we can work with you
to make all things new.
Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world
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