For women refugees
This prayer reflects on God's presence with biblical women forced to leave their homelands as well as women refugees today.
Use our prayers to pray for all people who are displaced, refugees, migrants and those who have had to leave their homes in search of a better life for themselves and their families.
The Department for International Affairs of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales has also published a new document on the Catholic response to refugees and migrants, called Love the stranger
This prayer reflects on God's presence with biblical women forced to leave their homelands as well as women refugees today.
A prayer based on Matthew 25:35, "I was a stranger and you made me welcome."
A beautiful prayer asking Our Lady to intercede for migrants and refugees
This prayer asks our Father to look with mercy on us all and to show us how to live as one human family.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and shares the journey with migrants and refugees.
Your donations will help reach vulnerable people fleeing war, poverty and natural disasters.
This prayer inspires us to care for the earth and our neighbour, especially those who are displaced.
This prayer reminds us that we are all part of one body, one family, spread throughout the world.
An imagined prayer from the perspective of someone who has been forced to flee their home.
A prayer to use in the season of Advent, focusing on the plight of refugees.
A meditation on the Lord's prayer from El Salvador, created by a group of refugees.
A prayer asking for God's protection for refugees.
A prayer to God who travels alongside us always.
A series of intercessions for refugees, asylum seekers, people who are homeless or displaced.
This prayer could be used at Christmas or at any time of the year to inspire us to reach out to those who are homeless.
A prayer sent to us by Caritas El Salvador for the thousands of migrants making the long and dangerous journey on foot towards the US border.
These prayer activities will help you and your family to reflect on the journeys that many people around the world have to make as refugees, when they are forced to leave their homes by hunger, war, or natural disaster.