Jubilee Icon poster
A poster with the Jubilee icon to download and print for your displays.
As part of your Jubilee commitment, pledge a transformative monthly gift to share hope with communities around the world.
2025 is a holy year, when we join with Pope Francis and our global Catholic family in celebrating a Jubilee.
The Holy Father has given this year's Jubilee the theme of 'Pilgrims of Hope' and invited Catholics everywhere to renew our hope and discover a vision that can "restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone".
Recommit to our global family ahead of the Jubilee year by pledging a transformative monthly gift, and you’ll receive our weekly gospel reflections by email.
Our weekly email reflections include reflections on the Sunday gospel, and ways in which you and the wider CAFOD family can give, act and pray with us during the Jubilee Year.
If you'd prefer, you can sign up for weekly reflections without pledging a monthly donation.
1. Make a Jubilee pledge - Share our newsletter announcement and invite parishioners to make a monthly donation to share hope with communities around the world in the Year of Jubilee.
2. Discover the Jubilee icon - commissioned from a former student of a college supported by CAFOD, the icon is a gift for the Catholic community of England and Wales to celebrate the Jubilee. Share the icon with your parish by downloading our Jubilee poster.
3. Jubilee reflection guide - over four sessions, on your own or in a group, reflect on the meaning of the Jubilee Year and how it calls us to renew our faith and commit to building a fairer world. Download your copy
4. Pray with us - sign up to receive our weekly Gospel reflections for ways to give, act and pray with us this Jubilee year.
2025 is a Jubilee year, but what does that mean? How will the Church be celebrating it? What can I do?
On Saturday 18 January, we held an introduction to the Jubilee that featured highlights of how we’re celebrating locally.
Watch a recording of the event to see how we can be tangible signs of hope and build a better world together throughout this holy year.
Visit our online shop to order fundraising resources like posters, collection boxes and lanyards.
Download your form, complete your event and raise those funds for CAFOD!
Follow our handy step-by-step guidance for planning, promoting and hosting your fundraising event.
Advice on how to send us the donations you worked so hard to raise using our website, or by post, phone or bank transfer.