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Jubilee Year 2025

Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church.

Be a pilgrim with us in the Church Year of Jubilee

The Jubilee year is called 'Pilgrims of Hope', and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the climate crisis.

Join us as we prepare for and celebrate this special Church Year of Jubilee.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit you may be rich in hope

Romans 15:13

Sign up for our weekly reflections

Make a monthly donation to share hope with communities around the world, and receive a weekly reflection on the gospel as we journey towards the Year of Jubilee.

Or, if you’d prefer, you can sign up for weekly reflections without making a donation.

Take part in the Year of Prayer

Year of Prayer

2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. He asks all to join in a great "symphony" of prayer.

CAFOD Community Rosary

Join us on Thursday mornings as we pray the Joyful mysteries of the rosary for the Care of Creation together as a CAFOD community.


Join a pilgrimage

Join us in pilgrimage this summer across England and Wales and journey with us in faith as we reflect on God’s call to each of us to reach out to those in need.


Join our family of volunteers

So much of the help we can give to our sisters and brothers fighting poverty overseas relies on people just like you sharing the stories of these amazing women and men with their own parish here.

Giving just a few hours a year can help to make an incredible difference.

Find out more about the Year of Jubilee

Since 1450, the Church has celebrated a Jubilee every 25 years. Sometimes there are also extraordinary Jubilee years, like the Year of Mercy that Pope Francis inaugurated in 2015.

'Pilgrims of Hope' is the name announced for the Catholic Church’s upcoming Jubilee - a Holy Year in 2025.

Pope Francis has invited Catholics to renew our hope in the wake of the pandemic, build greater solidarity and heal, enabling a better world to a emerge.

He has prompted us to discover a far-sighted vision that can "restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone" and to rediscover a spirituality of God's creation in which we understand ourselves as "pilgrims on the earth" rather than masters of the world.

According to Leviticus 25: 1-7, Moses is commanded that the ancient Israelites should work the land for six years, but every seventh year let it lie fallow, neither reaping nor sowing: "it shall be a year of complete rest for the land." This practice is known as shmittah - 'release' - letting go of control over land.

A Jubilee year, the fiftieth year, was a culmination of seven shmittah years. Like the shmittah year, the Jubilee year is also a fallow year of rest for the land and a great wealth reset: a cancellation of debt, and release of those who have become poor and been hired as servants to return home.

In the vision given to Moses, ensuring each family has a home is the responsibility of the whole community. A 50 year limit on the time people can be estranged from their family home due to injustice, war or poverty is one part of this vision.

A Jubilee year is a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another and with all of creation.

Key themes of the year are forgiveness, and a restoration of justice. The Jubilee Year is also an opportunity to care for our communities, and remember that harmful policies and practices can be challenged and reversed.

The Jubilee year is a time of hope because it reminds us that injustices are not just a fact of life. Nature can bounce back, people can be freed from oppression and debts can be written off. The promise of Jubilee is of restored relationships with God, our neighbours, ourselves and all of Creation.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales has highlighted six issues challenging us to live the Jubilee in our churches and communities today. These are:

  • Care for creation

  • Food poverty

  • Modern slavery

  • Managing debt

  • Forgiveness

  • Rest and worship

You can be a pilgrim with us in the Jubilee Year by supporting our work to fight injustice and restore hope alongside communities living in poverty worldwide:

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. He asks us all to join in a great "symphony of prayer", "to renew our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him."