Lent prayers
We pray that we may allow our hearts to be touched at Lent by the cry of our sisters and brothers living in poverty.
Pope Francis Lent 2025 message takes as its theme: Let us journey together in hope
“Journeying together means...walking side-by-side, without shoving or stepping on others, without envy or hypocrisy, without letting anyone be left behind or excluded.”
In preparation for Lent 2025, the Vatican has released Pope Francis' annual message, which this year is titled: 'Let us journey together in hope', aligning with the theme of the Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope.
The message was signed on 6 February, before the pope was taken into hospital and was released on 25 February.
Life is a journey
Like the biblical Exodus, the Holy Father reminds us that our lives are a journey; a pilgrimage of constant conversion as we travel towards God.
Pope Francis urges Christians to examine their spiritual journey this Lent. Drawing a parallel between the Israelites' arduous path to freedom and the plight of modern migrants and refugees, he invites us to a Lenten examination of conscience comparing our daily life with that of a migrant to "learn how to sympathise with their experiences and in this way discover what God is asking of us so that we can better advance on our journey to the house of the Father."
Travelling together
In the spirit of a synodal Church, Pope Francis invites us to journey together "attentive to one another in love and patience" and resisting self-absorption.
Holding onto hope
The message urges us to examine our trust in God, reminding us that the great hope of Christians rests on the resurrection of Jesus. Pope Francis also emphasises that our hope must be lived concretely in a commitment to justice, inclusion and care for our common home.
The message shares a prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila, encouraging us to remain watchful and trust that God's promises will be fulfilled. “Hope, O my soul, hope." Teresa wrote.
The Pontiff concludes by entrusting this journey of hope to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, "Mother of Hope," praying that she may accompany us throughout the season of Lent.
Read the full text of the Pope's Lent’s message.
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We pray that we may allow our hearts to be touched at Lent by the cry of our sisters and brothers living in poverty.
Find out more about how to be a pilgrim of hope with us in the Church's holy year.