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World Day of the Poor

Europe-Pope Francis

Pope Francis established the World Day of the Poor in 2016.

Pope Francis has declared Sunday 19 November 2023 to be the seventh World Day of the Poor, with the theme of “Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tobit 4:7)

In his message for this World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis reflects on the example of Tobit. He considers how the Book of Tobit teaches us to be realistic and practical in whatever we do with and for those suffering from poverty, writing that "caring for the poor is more than simply a matter of a hasty hand-out; it calls for reestablishing the just interpersonal relationships that poverty harms."

..whenever we encounter a poor person, we cannot look away, for that would prevent us from encountering the face of the Lord Jesus.

World Day of the Poor Message, 2023

Pope Francis reminds us that the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is not simply a story from the past but continues to challenge each of us in the here and now of our daily lives.  He writes: "It is easy to delegate charity to others, yet the calling of every Christian is to become personally involved.”

Read the full message

Read our new blog for World Day of the Poor, reflecting on the message of the Manna and what it means for us today.

What can you do?

Pray a novena based on scripture

Take a look at this novena for the World Day of the Poor by Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), which is offered as a way to help us to prayerfully encounter in scripture God’s constant care for those who are in various forms of poverty and to prompt in us a desire for more just relations in the community. 

Go to the World Day of the Poor novena

Pray with us

On this day we are invited to offer friendship, solidarity and welcome to the poorest of our sisters and brothers. As we reach out with love and support, let us hold all members of our global family in our prayers. 

Prayers on poverty

Our Heavenly Queen

Our Heavenly Queen

We pray for the intercession of Our Lady whose loving arms embrace those who are poor.

Full of grace

Full of grace

Inspired by Mary, full of grace, we pray for courage, strength and persistence.

God's transforming power

God's transforming power

A prayer which asks for God's power to transform our lives, so we can commit afresh to God's work of compassion and love.

Fire of hope

Fire of hope

A prayer giving thanks for the chance to connect with other people around the world and praying for hope, joy and courage as we build one global family.

Prayer for a better world

Prayer for a better world

This prayer encourages us to give thanks for all we have received and be moved to help build a better world for future generations.

You journey with us

You journey with us

A prayer that can be used in times of emergency or crisis. It is about our journey with God who is present in all people we meet.

Answering God's call

Answering God's call

We celebrate the example of Mary and all women who have answered God's call. We ask Mary's intercession to help us bring about a better world.

Prayer for 60 years of CAFOD

Prayer for 60 years of CAFOD

This prayer was written to give thanks for the role of women's organisations in creating CAFOD and for the support that they continue to give.

He heals the broken-hearted

He heals the broken-hearted

This Lenten prayer, inspired by Psalm 147:3, asks God to heal our hearts of all that prevents us from responding to our sisters and brothers excluded by poverty.

Prayer for women

Prayer for women

This prayer reminds us that is is not just what we do that is important, but how we do it as we pray for women throughout the world.

Justice guided by love

Justice guided by love

This prayer inspires us to care for the earth and our neighbour, especially those who are displaced.

Out of darkness

Out of darkness

We pray for all those who feel darkness and despair due to the crises we face in our world today.

World Gifts

World Gifts

Buy a World Gift for Christmas and help to change the lives of those living in poverty.