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Sudan Crisis Appeal

Sudan Crisis Appeal

A year on, the conflict in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee their homes and they are now facing yet another crisis – hunger.

Fundraise in your parish

Pay in collections

Use our range of resources to help you mobilise your parish community.

Thank you for making our Lent Appeal story come alive in your parish – for speaking at Mass, organising the collection and everything you do.

Summer of Hope v2

Summer of Hope

Join the Summer of Hope in your parish or home. You can put on a bespoke event or adjust events already planned. How about a fundraiser around one of the sporting events this summer like the Euros, Wimbledon or the Olympics!

Read our Ukraine appeal update

Your generous contributions to CAFOD's Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal have reached thousands of vulnerable people, helping them to survive and rebuild their lives.

Listen to the Voices of Change podcast

Voices of Change is a captivating podcast series from CAFOD that showcases the inspiring stories of dedicated local experts, community members and individuals around the world.

Ripples of Hope Takeaway Sheet

Ripples of Hope Takeaway Sheet


Encouraging legacy giving

If you haven’t already, please hand out some Step Along the Way prayer cards to parishioners or order a few Legacy leaflets for the back of church.


Public speaking in church training

Speaking at Mass training on Zoom: Saturday 13 July (11am-12pm) and Tuesday 16 July (7-8pm)

We are offering a 1-hour training session on Zoom for people who would like to build their confidence in public speaking in church – whether on behalf of CAFOD, or another cause the parish supports.

Please do invite others in your parish who might be interested or could help you in your volunteering role.